International Day of UN Peacekeepers: Women in Peacekeeping United Nations Association of New Zealand
21 May 2020
On 29 May, we pay tribute to all who have served in United Nations
Hear from an inspiring panel on women in peacekeeping.
Join us for a panel discussion on women in peacekeeping via online webinar with leading female voices including:
Cecile Hillyer, Divisional Manager, International Security and Disarmament Division,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Group Captain Carol Abraham, New Zealand Defence Force
Wing Commander Jennifer Atkinson, New Zealand Defence Force
Associate Professor Bethan Greener, Massey University and Senior Fellow, Centre for
Strategic Studies, Victoria University
Dr Negar Partow, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Studies Massey University and UNANZ Special Officer for the UN Security Council.
On 29 May, we recognise those who have served either as military, police or civilians and continue to serve in United Nations peacekeeping operations for their high level of professionalism, dedication and courage and to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.
This year’s theme, “Women in Peacekeeping: A Key to Peace,” was chosen as 2020 is the 20th anniversary of the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. This year, our peacekeepers are facing what the Secretary- General has described as the greatest challenge since the Second World War: the COVID- 19 pandemic. Peacekeepers are deployed in many countries affected by the pandemic.
They are continuing their operations to the best of their abilities and supporting the governments and the local populations despite the risk of COVID-19.
New Zealand supports United Nations peacekeeping operations, and regional peace support efforts, in the Pacific and other parts of the world.
Register for this event on Friday 29 May 2020, 5.00pm- 6.30pm (NZST) at: